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Fieldbook Academy Table of Contents

Academy courses are broken into micro tutorials, which are bite-sized lessons that target very specific features in the application. Each tutorial is designed to take a few minutes and typically include text, images and animation. You can take them at any time and they even adapt to your phone or tablet screen size.

At first, we suggest you take the courses sequentially. Then, use them as reference materials if you need help at any time.

You could also consider taking all of the tutorials prior to on-site visits from HeadLight trainers so you can have a head start on using the applications.

iPad 101

The following tutorial has been designed for new iPad users as well as those who’d like to gain some workflow improvements on the device. The goal is to cover basic skills to enable you to use Fieldbook (Apple has some great tutorials on their site if you’d like to learn more than is represented here https://support.apple.com/ipad).

Fieldbook iOS Micro Tutorials

The links below will give you access to micro tutorials on how to use Fieldbook on the iPad. We suggest you take them in sequence if you are new to using the application.

Getting Started

Journal Observations

Spreadsheet Observations




Advanced Techniques

The following tutorials will show you some advanced features that will really make the most of the Fieldbook and iPad technologies.


The following tutorials will show you some time saving shortcuts that will help speed up your workflow within Fieldbook.

Fieldbook iOS